Data: 17-08-2005Autore: MAURIZIO BALESTRINOCategorie: TestimonianzeTag: #aprile 1944, canada, san-marco, veterani-reduci


My name is Fred West, I was a member of the Westminster Regiment in a place called Valvori.

Questa è la testimonianza del Sig. Fred West, Sergente del reggimento canadese Westminster. A questo reggimento era aggregato il battaglione Bafile dal 9 Aprile ai primi di maggio, cfr. la relazione dell'11 Canadian Infantry Brigade:

"It [the Italian battalion] was combined with the Westminsters and the whole designated Corbould Force (from the name of the Westminster C.O. [Commanding Officer])".

Conferma il ricordo del bombardamento, con forti perdite, che il San Marco subì, evidentemente dovette essere particolarmente violento visto che tutti lo ricordano. Il Sergente West dice che i Canadesi erano meglio addestrati, come fanteria, del San Marco, il che se fosse vero (potrebbe anche esserlo) non mi stupirebbe visto che come sappiamo il San Marco del Sud completò il proprio addestramento nell'arco di soli pochi mesi.

Segue il messaggio del sig. West:

My name is Fred West, I was a member of the Westminster Regiment in a place called Valvori. I remember the Italian Marines that were attached to my company, they took a real bad shelling from the enemy one night, I don't remember what their casualty list was, but it was a very heavey barrage and I am sure they suffered some casualties. My section was located on the edge of a cemetery right on top of the ridge in front of Valvori. The town was all booby trapped , so we stayed out of that place. I did not meet up with any of the Marines they were located to our right flank. Valvori area was in view of the enemy who were located on the high mountain where the monastry was located. Our positions were under observation in daylight so we moved in behind the cemetery at first light and occupied our positions at night. We got shelled too, but we were well trained infantry and moved very cautiously and quietly, while your dads

[il Sergente West scrive al figlio di un ex ufficiale del battaglione Bafile]

Marines weren't trained infantry and they made too much noise when they were moving around, thats the reason they got more shelling than we did. How ever I think they learned from practice because they were a lot quieter after that heavey shelling they experienced. Thats about all I can tell you about the Marines as I didn't get a chance to speak to them. I was very glad to leave that location, it wasn't a good experince as I lost four of my section up there, and they were also good friends too. Italy was a tough place for the advancing army, the Gerries as we called them had all the advantage of observation and could see us coming.

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